A naturally uplifting massage for face and mind

Rooted in the holistic practice of Ayurveda (meaning: science of life) this face massage requires no oil or cream. It relies solely on the power of touch using intricate and carefully choreographed upward strokes to release restrictions and tensions in the muscles and connective tissue of the face. It boosts the production of collagen and elastin; wakes up sluggish muscles; reenergises the lymphatic system to lift and tone the skin and reduce wrinkles.
Remaining fully clothed and cocooned in warm blankets, the rejuvenating process concentrates entirely on the face and neck. Working on the para-sympathetic nervous system (the rest and repair branch of the nervous system) this powerful but gentle massage relieves stress and lifts your spirit, leaving you looking and feeling radiant.
The massage itself lasts an hour and fifteen minutes, but I do not rush you back to reality – the time it takes is the time you need to let go.


After a full and varied working life, I was ready for new challenges and experiences. I've always had a strong belief in the power of touch and a fascination with health and wellbeing.
I found the power of touch with YUVA and I continue to find it a complete joy to witness the transformation as my hands help to reconnect body and mind, through this deeply relaxing face massage.
Having discovered the secret to transformational health, I founded www.gutsense.co.uk in 2020. Working with world leading, natural, nutritional supplements and programmes that create real change from inside out.

~ Gentle but firm repetitive massage movements, smooth and exfoliate the skin and tone the major muscles of the face, encouraging stiffened connective tissue back to mobility and leaving the skin plumped-up and firmer.
~ The activation of Ayurvedic pulses encourages healing, energises and regulates the skin to improve overall skin tone, lessening wrinkles and habitual expression lines.
~ Lymphatic drainage is encouraged to increase the elimination of toxins and helps to reduce under-eye bags and general puffiness, leaving the skin brighter and more radiant.
~ Connecting with the parasympathetic nervous system, it enables deep relaxation and an increased sense of well-being both in mind and body, relieving stress related symptoms like headaches, jaw tension and insomnia.

What's not to like about the time I spent in Lucinda's hands. A truly remarkable experience of total rejuvenation and relaxation. I'm so lucky to have found her
Company Director
Quite simply the most blissful hour I have spent in a very long time - if ever. I floated off the bed feeling and looking years younger. It's now a regular must
Fashion Consulatnt
Lucinda has healing hands and a huge heart. Not only did my face soften and glow, but i also felt nurtured and held by her presence. Bliss.
Life Coach

One-off session: £165
Buy a course of 5 and get the 6th for free = £825
Sessions booked as part of course can be enjoyed as you please (within the year of purchase) or, to embed and create a lasting foundation - I recommend that you have 1 session a week for a month then the remaining 2 over the following month i.e. fortnightly. You may then choose to revert to coming once a month or every 6 weeks for maintenance.
I’m sorry but I must charge in full for any cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance.
I also have lovely gift vouchers if you want to treat a friend or relative to a bit of TLC.
NB The massage usually lasts for about 75 minutes, and I include time afterwards for you to come round very slowly. So please allow 2 hours for the first session and 1.5 hours for subsequent sessions.

For sure my face gets an undeniable lift, work out and glow, but what I go for is the extraordinary power of Lucinda's healing hands, deeply nurturing, kind, a place of letting go. Her facials are for body and soul; so deeply restful for the exhausted spirit. Lucinda is something that is very much part of my self-care; I cannot recommend Lucinda more highly.
Fiona Arrigo | Founder of The Arrigo Programme
"Lucinda's facial massages are transformative. The whole experience is completely comfortable, relaxing, inspiring, reassuring and so much more than just a massage. I walk on air afterwards, rested and relaxed, looking forward very much to my next appointment.
Sarah | Mother & Charity Volunteer
Lucinda has wonderfully healing hands and her treatments are so restorative on every level. My skin always feels rejuvenated and my whole being aligned and the effect keeps on going. Many of my friends have commented on how well and youthful I look. Highly recommend.
Annie | Health & Well-being Coach & Astrologer
Yuva is so much more than just a rejuvenating facial...although if that is all you are after, you definitely won't be disappointed. It is a completely holistic treatment, which will have you floating out of Lucinda's on a cloud of contentment and well-being. She is truly gifted and generous with her energy and you will feel you have known her for years. Don't consider this as a luxury, but as an essential part of life's toolkit.